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Medical Check ups
We provide Statutory Health Checks that are required by MOM / ICA for visit and work passes, work permits & domestic helper examinations.

Domestic Helper Medical & 6-Monthly Examinations
Pregnancy Test & VDRL - $30
Pregnancy Test & VDRL & HIV - $45
Pregnancy Test & VDRL & HIV & Chest X-Ray (filmless) - $60
Long Term Visit Pass, S-Pass Application, PR Application, Student Pass, Work Permit Renewal
Clinical Examination & HIV - $32
Clinic Examination & HIV & Chest X-Ray (filmless) - $58
Consultation, Height/Weight/BMI, Chest X-Ray (filmless), Visual Acuity, Haemoglobin, Urine Sugar, Albumin & Blood - $78
Work Permit (New Application)
Male & Female: Clinical Examination & Certification, Urine Test, Pregnancy Test (If Female), VDRL, HIV, Malaria Parasite, Chest X-Ray - $75
Add on ECG (for Male from Thailand / > 50 years old) - additional $20
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